exhibits and awards


Selected exhibitions

Gro Harlem Brundtland former Prime Minister of Norway and Director-General of the World Health Organization after receiving the Rudyard n. Probst Award created by Kristina Kossi September 29, 2019

Gro Harlem Brundtland former Prime Minister of Norway and Director-General of the World Health Organization after receiving the Rudyard n. Probst Award created by Kristina Kossi September 29, 2019


Eckert Fine Art Gallery, Washington Depot, CT

AWA Expanding Horizons, Loveland Museum, Loveland, CO

Society of Portrait Sculptor’s FACE2024 Exhibit, Garrison Chapel, London, England

Metropolitan Museum of Art Copyist program


Art Students League Merit Scholarship exhibition, Phyllis Harriman Gallery, NY NY

THE STATE OF BEING Two person show, Kristina Kossi sculpture and Elizabeth Kaney paintings Minor Memorial Library Gallery, 20 South Street, Roxbury, CT Opening January 28th, reception 2-4pm. Exhibit up until March 11th


Live Sculpture Demonstration at The Museum of Modern Art for the Art Students League Gala 2022

Breaking New Ground - Women in the Arts, Stride Gallery, New York, NY


Washington Arts Association Members Exhibit Winter, Washington, CT

Byrde and B Gallery, Washington CT

Chelsea Fine Arts Competition Exhibtion, New York, NY

Washington Art Association’s Annual Members Exhibit Summer, Washington, CT


National Sculpture Society’s 87th Annual Exhibition, Brookgreen Gardens, SC


Holiday House NYC Benefiting BCRF, Designer Jasmine Lam Room, New York, NY November 13 - December 15th

National Sculpture Society’s 86th Annual Exhibition, Brookgreen Gardens, SC,

2019 Rudyard n. Probst award created for Clubhouse International presented to Gro Harlem Brundtland former Prime Minister of Norway and Director General of World Health Organization

New Britain Museum of American Art, Nor'Easter: The 49th Annual Juried Exhibition, New Britain, CT

An Exhibition of Portraiture & Figurative Art, “Figuratively Speaking”, Salmagundi Club,NY NY

Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery, “Endangered” Wax, Bronze and Beyond, Art Students League, NY NY

Vero Beach Art Club “New Dimensions” Fine Art Exhibition, Vero Beach, FL

National Association of Women Artists, “Women Celebrating Creativity” Online Exhibition


American Artists Professional League 90th Grand National Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, NY NY

The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS “Our Bond With Nature” 2018 online art exhibition, Manhattan Arts International

Salmagundi Non-Members Exhibit NY NY 

Small Works Exhibition, Manhattan Borough President's Office, NY NY


National Sculpture Society 84th Annual Sculpture Exhibition, Brookgreen Gardens SC

Salmagundi Non-Members Exhibit, NY NY

Art Expo NY

Manhattan Arts International “HerStory”, Online Gallery

Spanish Benevolent Society Gallery NY NY

Phyllis Harriman Gallery, Art Students League NY NY


Nina Torres Fine Art Gallery Miami FL

Miami River Art Fair - Art Basel Week

Salmagundi Non-Members Exhibit NY NY

Washington Art Association CT

Phyllis Harriman Gallery, Art Students League NY NY


Salmagundi Non-Members Exhibit NY NY

Phyllis Harriman Gallery, Art Students League NY NY


Phyllis Harriman Gallery, Art Students League NY NY

*2015 Fountain Gallery NY NY, Guest Artist

*2014 Fountain Gallery NY NY, Guest Artist

*Zinc Jazz Club NY NY, Sculpture & Jazz

*Solo/Pop up exhibitions




Fantasy Fund Scholarship Art Students League of NY

AWA Award of Excellence in Sculpture

19th International ARC Salon Sculpture Finalist


The Zena Kaplan Scholarship, Art Students League of New York


Ferguson, Sherr, Rea Award First Place Sculpture - Appoline, Washington Arts Association


14th International ARC Salon Sculpture Finalist


Barbara Newington Award Traditional Sculpture First Place -Luft, American Artists Professional League

The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS “Our Bond With Nature” 2018 online art exhibition - Luft, Manhattan Arts International

Bren Sibilsky's Algoma Art Award in Sculpture First Place - Luft, Manhattan Arts International

Ann and Bruno Lucceshi Figurative Sculpture Award - Layla, Salmagundi Art Club


Merit Award - Cannon and Gigue, Salmagundi Art Club

Special Recognition Award - Magdalena, Manhattan Arts International

Merit Award - Cannon and Gigue,  Phyllis Harriman Gallery, Art Students League NY NY


 Honorable Mention - Betty,  Washington Art Association CT


Merit Award - Silence,  Phyllis Harriman Gallery, Art Students League NY NY

Permanent Installations

Golden Cocktail Girl  Flatiron Lounge 37 West 19th Street 

Odette  Zinc Bar and Jazz Club 82 West 3rd Street


Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine, Three to Watch

New York Times, Where the Passcode is Deco

Linea, Art Students League Magazine, In the Gallery